Beyond Love: The secret to attracting a loving, supportive, and energetically healthy relationship

I have spent so much of my life healing relationships and helping my clients do the same. I know this is a common phrase to hear about healthy relationships, but it is entirely and irrevocably true. 

You can only love someone as much as you love yourself. 

Let me break that down for you in ways that perhaps you haven’t heard before. Of course, there is the energetic component that is usually not spoken of when we talk about love. Still, it’s the very root of this healing journey and needs to happen in order to magnetize healthy relationship experiences. 

Our very existence on this planet relies on relationships as one of the most powerful healing tools we can utilize during our spiritual healing journeys.

You may be thinking that’s a big statement, and I know it is, but here’s why: 

The Creator, Source, God, Universe, Nature (input whichever word feels most comfortable to you) never, ever makes mistakes. We are designed, and this experience on Earth is designed to help us evolve, grow, learn, and collect experiences that help all of humanity and the greater Universal/Oneness Consciousness to evolve. So would we be put here without any powerful tools to guide us, reveal the truth, and help us see (if we are willing) what we need to do in order to catapult us forward and truly heal?

No, absolutely not. 

We have relationships. This is our greatest tool to heal our deepest parts of ourselves and help us evolve to our highest potential because relationships are mirrors. 

Rule No. 1: Pay attention to your triggers

This is your NUMBER ONE rule. Every time you recognize something you dislike in another person, you are emotionally activated, triggered, charged, or bothered. Listen to these feelings; they’re telling you you have this exact quality within yourself. 

Rule No. 2: Understand that admiration is inspiration

This is your SECOND most important rule. Every time you see something in someone that you admire, love, or look up to, you have the ability to evolve into that as well.

This is energy, baby. It never lies. 

I know right now, after reading that, you’re probably thinking about all the relationships in your life that impact you, and you’re possibly saying, “No way, I’m not like that." I’ve been there, and the answer is—somewhere inside you’re being, this includes your multidimensional selves and parallel lives, has that same quality, demeanor, reaction, or response. Even if the smallest particle of that energy exists. 

Following me?

Rule No. 3: Remember, like energy attracts like energy

Now, if even the smallest amount of that particle exists, your THIRD RULE of healing relationships is understanding that LIKE energy ATTRACTS or MAGNETIZES LIKE energy. 

If the particle does not exist anywhere in your being, you simply will not attract it. It could not even make its way into your realm of existence if awareness of it is there and boundaries are strongly present.

These are some hard truths to swallow and also some serious work to journey into. Yet I promise you that if you take this truth deep inside, follow these 3 rules, and allow them to guide your relationship healing journey, you will release and rebirth a whole new version of yourself. Energetic law says “energy follows intention.” If you wish to heal this and set that intention in your Spiritual Experience, it will happen.  

I know this because I’ve gone through this exact process myself, and I guide my clients to do the same. 

One final note: 

I have learned most recently in my spiritual journey and life’s work: 

Some relationships need hard cutoffs or boundaries in order to break energetic exchanges and patterns. Do this with professional support if you feel called to.

Be mindful of all energy sources. There are Light Force Energies, Dark Force Energies, and stuff in between. Some people may have some Darker Energies attached to them. It is very much advised that you either set hard boundaries around this person and remove them from your life or seek out a professional who works in this realm to assist with the removal.

If you’ve made it this far, I want to invite you to join my Circle. Here, you’ll have access to many healing tools, meditations, and courses that exist to support you on your spiritual journey. I would especially recommend the Release and Rebirth Ceremonies.


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