Five signs you could use an energetic reset (and how to perform one!)

“When we have self-awareness, we have everything we need to heal.”

Tending to your energetic health starts with deepening your self-awareness. When you look within—really within—everything you need to know is illuminated, from the parts of you that need more love to areas craving stronger boundaries. 

Self-awareness will also reveal whether your energy is flowing with ease or if it's time for a reset.

Natalie Kehren takes pause to light a bundle of sweet grass and reset her energy.

What is an energetic reset?

Chances are you’re already performing mini energetic resets without realizing it. 

  • That getaway with the girls you just know you need? Mini energetic reset. 

  • That juice cleanse you were desperate for after a few months of overdoing the takeout? Mini energetic reset.  

  • That much needed change of scenery? Mini energetic reset.

The downside to performing mini resets without awareness is that you’re likely getting to a state of mini crisis before you’re able to do something about it. So let’s cultivate more awareness around the warning signs so you can restore your energy before it flatlines.

Five signs you need an energetic reset:

  1. Digestive Issues:

    If you struggle with digestion, you’re not alone. Digestion is connected to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Energetically speaking, the way you digest food represents how you process your emotions. It can even point to the kinds of emotions you’re dealing with.

    For example, if your digestive energy is slow and sluggish you might be struggling to process heavy or dense emotions. If your digestive energy is too quick, you might be feeling overwhelmed, scattered, or worried about the future.

    There is so much to learn from your digestive experiences. If your digestion is suffering in any way, it’s time to cultivate self-awareness around the deeper meaning. An energetic reset is a great way to get in touch with the messages your digestion is sending you and give it the support it needs to process with balance. 

  2. Chaos:

    If your life feels endlessly chaotic, this is a telltale sign of an energetic leak or misalignment. Common examples of chaos look like this:

    • Feeling like you’re always missing the mark or tripping over your own feet

    • Tumultuous or dramatic relationships

    • Repeated car trouble, tech issues, or things breaking in your home

    • Overwhelm, exhaustion, the sense that there’s “always something”

    • Insomnia

    These are all signs you need to get off the hamster wheel. Slow down and check-in so you can see what’s really causing these energetic breakdowns and remedy them. 

  3. Hormonal Changes:

    Everyone knows hormones are connected to emotions. And since emotions are quite literally energy in motion, this means your hormones are a roadmap to understanding your energy. When your hormones are out of balance, your energy doesn’t move as freely. Personally, I find hormonal changes to be one of the most powerful catalysts to deepen your awareness around emotional wounds. And once these wounds are brought to consciousness, they can be healed. 

  4. Feeling Stuck:

    Do you lack clarity around what to do with your life? Do you feel stuck, directionless, or without purpose? Or maybe you feel the call toward a new path but you’re crippled with thoughts and emotions that are holding you back. All of these feelings are signs of an energetic block or build-up. Without a way to channel or express your energy, it’s common to become comfortable with what is and resistant to evolution. If you resonate with any of these signs, you could probably benefit from a major energetic reset. Lack of purpose and connection often require peeling back many layers to get to the true block

  5. Endings:

    When you go through a major shift like leaving a job, ending a relationship, losing a loved one or even moving to a new city, the body needs to grieve. An energetic reset is a supportive way to move through endings, clear the emotional clutter, and create space to welcome the new abundance that inevitably wants to enter your life.


Now that you know the signs, let’s get into the how. Here are four simple, yet effective, tips to support your energetic reset:

  1. Balance your body through nutrition

    A physical detox is an energetic detox. Eating whole, nourishing foods is a great place to start healing your body, your emotions, and inevitably, your energy.

  2. Intuitive movement

    Exercise is a powerful tool for moving and releasing stagnant energy. Incorporating movement into your routine is very healing, even if it's gentle. Ask your body what it needs and respond without judgment. This can look like walking, yoga, dancing, lifting weights, swimming, cycling, or anything else that feels like a release to you.

  3. Moon rituals

    Connecting with the moon is a simple and wonderful way to slow down and nurture your energy. I always feel a greater sense of calm and connectedness after I perform my moon rituals. There are plenty of rituals to choose from and I’ve never met one I didn’t like! To get you started, here’s one of my favourites.

  4. Energetic restoration

    Restoring your energy is about getting right to the core of your blocks and healing from the most potent places. If you’re experiencing more than one of the warning signs listed above, I highly recommend seeking out energy healing practitioners to help you peel back the layers of your reset. A seasoned practitioner will listen deeply and guide you towards identifying the source of your blocks so you can release, restore, and repair your energy field with intention.


Healing to Begin is my signature eight-month energetic reset, designed specifically to address your body’s warning signs.

If you’re ready to overcome the blocks that stand in your way, tap into your intuitive gifts, and discover your higher purpose, Healing to Begin is the coaching program for you.


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