How to prepare your mind for a home birth

Whether you’re planning an at-home water birth or you’re just curious about one, this post shares what I did to prepare my mind. (Be sure to check out my previous posts on preparing your body and soul).



  1. Protect yourself from fear-based thinking. I personally stayed away from medical institutions to protect my mind from fear. I asked my doctor to do my blood work every trimester to check my vitals. I only got one ultrasound to check on the baby.

  2. Remove yourself from fear-based conversations. Anytime I encountered a person who shared horrific birth stories that happened to them or people they knew, I would remove myself from the conversation. If it circled in my mind at any point after the encounter, I would do the mini-energetic release below.

  3. Release fear-based stories. Breathe to connect to your body and that story. Envision yourself erasing the story with the end of a pencil. Let the rubber debris exit your energy field every time you breathe out. Envision the wind blowing and carrying it far away from you.


Ready to dive deeper into your energetic healing journey?


Tips to prepare your soul for an at-home birth